
registriert seit: 09.03.2007
game desire hates me
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Benötigte Punkte: 20
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to all the admins please stand up and take a bow your gidance will be missed

well as i know there will be a lot of admin that will read this, and i hope all the best for those that have made this a site i wanted to be at and while playing the games here has been fun its been my friends that have made it worth while , i came here as part of a move over in a league some time back and then ventured out in to the public areas to try out my skills in the real world kinda thing, from there i made 2 good friends in Omaha that are still close friends, from there i met my first admin Netka who helped make things go smooth for us, and from there Trudy in vagas , well i know they probably thought who is this weird guy but then realized i was here more for the friends i had made then to play the games , and they were some of the first people to be added to my friends list, as my friends list grew i was takin to different areas of game desire where i met other people and made friends with them like Hentomar , BELLA , Lady , Sammie , nursie , and a few others past and present that were admins here to help us all weather it be to deal with a cheater or some one abusive or to help us with a question , lol or in my case to keep me in line when i steped over . i thank you all for makin GD a fun place for me and my friends to play at and have fun , i think its a shame that they want to get rid of people that care enuf to volunteer there time and represent game desire over an otto that cant get words right and mutes because it thinks you swore with a word that means nothing in the language u spoke it in but in some other is a cuss word , and with so many getting rid of the HUMAN touch we could use it here, with the admins , and sure there have been those that have used there powers for evil but dont let that pull down the good admins that have made game desire what it is , if they had not been here in the beginning game desire wouldnt be where it is today ........... so for all the ADMINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNS i say THANK YOU from all of us that you have helped over our time here , :) and i hope they see the error of there ways and as you all back and at least give you some thing chips or vip for doing the work u do